Friday, May 25, 2007

Back. In a small way.

Dear Readers,
So I've been spamming my friends with emails containing random stuff I see online. Rather than forcing them to wade through my electronic offal/treasure, I have decided to resurrect this page, not in a Jesus-like ascendance to a higher plane, or even a Lazarian return-to-life, but rather in a necrotic, dripping-flesh, ugly reanimation.

In less flowery terms, here's some stuff that I thought was interesting, but I'm not gonna worry about making it interesting or even grammatically correct.


P.S. Thanks, Jimmy, for sparing our friends my continued spam. I wonder if Zombies like Spam? It probably has pork brains in it ...

So I guess the first thing I'll post is an appropo link to a vid from the past ~ 1939 to be exact. Apparently a General Motors Futurama presentation on travel of the future. "Over space, man has begun to win victory."

I guess GM was predicting progress in the mandate of Genesis 1:26 ~ "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule ... over all the earth."

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