Tuesday, August 09, 2005

50 hours of gaming!

I saw this Reuters article on Yahoo! news: "S. Korean man dies after 50 hours of computer games" and after reading it intently, I came away with one burning question: What game was he playing when he died!? What game could possibly hold one's attention so well that the body's signs of exhaustion are ignored?

I've got to get me some of that.

I read the article and saw that he took "brief naps" on a "makeshift bed"! That's cheating, in my book. I remember staying up for 42 hours straight without even napping during finals (bad idea, btw) when I was in Houston and feeling well enough to go out for Mexican food! Sanity reigned and sleep ensued, but I seriously doubt that 8 more hours would have led me to heart failure. Then again, I was a spry 19 years old at the time of that fiasco and this Korean guy was 28... Hmm.

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