Wednesday, August 24, 2005

LOLZ L0S3R U just got pwned!!one!1! Gman 4tw!

Now, I don't personally know all that much about Interfax China or the internal Chinese government bureaucracy, but if this story is true, then my mind is boggled: "The Chinese Government unveiled a new system Tuesday to prevent individuals from playing online games for more than three consecutive hours, which must be installed for every online game in the country."

According to the article, some Chinese agency called the Audiovisual and Internet Publication Department of the General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP) is developing a system that would keep track of time played v. time offline, and would severely cut game progression after three straight hours of gaming. The article goes on to say that the system will begin "compulsory deployment" later this year or next year in "all massive multiplayer" online games.

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